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These lecture notes and exercises are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
Feel free to use / adapt them, but don't sell them, and share them under the same licence.
package): 40%Positive evaluation of each element mandatory to pass the class!
There will be bonus points for pointing me to typos / mistakes / broken links / incomprehensible or difficult passages in the lecture notes!
Lecture notes: http://fabienmaussion.info/scientific_programming
This course is of the #doityourself kind. Get your questions ready for the upcoming week:
more questions $\rightarrow$ more explanations!
In preparation for the lectures I might ask you to read some chapter(s) of the lecture notes. On Tuesdays, we recap the content together.
Contact: via email (available on OLAT) or OLAT forum
Attendance: your choice
Agenda: we meet weekly - if classes are canceled I will let you know and update the OLAT online meetings
Your partitipation: highly encouraged. Interrupt any time, ask questions!
Asking questions is either easier or harder, depending on your character. How to ask questions in 2021?
I form the groups based on questionnaire until next week.
Each week, one group volunteers (or is selected randomly) to present their solution for next week.
Programming is hard: the semester begins NOW, and we will gain speed quickly (so that we can slow down towards the end).
If you have not programmed much before, working along the lectures is the only way to keep the pace. My task is to try to make it fun enough for you to actually want to do that. But it will cost you time, I can guarantee you that.
Scientific programming targets to solve scientific problems with the help of computers.
$\rightarrow$ Programming as a tool to do science
Adapted from xkcd
But: this lecture is not a course about the python syntax. We are using python as a tool to learn general programming concepts, not the other way around.
Awesome python demo: