Assignment #03#

Today’s exercises have to be done with help of the python standard library alone! No external module can be used (except for the --plot option where you can use the helper packages).

Exercise #03-01: automated data download#

SRTM is a digital elevation model (DEM) at ~90 m resolution covering almost the entire globe (up to \(\pm\) 60° latitude). The data is organized in 5°x5° tiles. To see a map of the tiles have a look at this download page. This tool is nice to use if you know which tile you want, but not very useful if you want more than one tile at different places of the globe.

Fortunately, the entire dataset is available on this server:

In order to protect from disruptive “download all” behavior, the files stored here cannot be listed (i.e. automated data scraping won’t work). Fortunately for us, the file naming convention is very simple:

Here are some examples of locations and their associated tile:

  • (-179, 59) -> ‘’

  • (-179, 51) -> ‘’

  • (-174, 54) -> ‘’

  • (-180, 60) -> ‘’ (upper-left corner case)

And so forth.

A. Write a script which, given a longitude and a latitude as arguments, downloads the corresponding file in the current directory. The tool should print an error message when the given location is not valid and exit the script.

Hint A1: define “valid” locations first: some are easy to catch, some cannot be caught automatically. Do we really have to deal with those?

Hint A2: unlike last week where we asked for user input, here I’m asking for a script with command line arguments. The command %run 9 44 (in an ipython interpreter) should download the file at the location 9°E, 44°N.

Hint A3: although I agree with the python documentation that argparse is more robust (and much better) than parsing sys.argv yourself, for the purpose of learning I would like you to use sys.argv today and handle the command line arguments yourselves.

B. Extend this script to be a bit more clever: download the data file only if the file isn’t already available in the current directory. This is particularly useful because the server is not very fast.

C. Extend this script to be even more clever: given a range of longitudes and latitudes, it should download all the files covering this area. For example, the range 9°E to 18°E and 44°N to 47°N would download 6 files. In order to avoid manual mistakes, warn the user by announcing the number of files that the command is going to download, and ask for confirmation before going on (by using the input() function).

Hint C1: the command should now be %run 9 44 18 47.

D. Let’s add even more functionality to our script:

D1. print a message to the user announcing if the file was downloaded or was already on disk

D2. print the size of the file after download - choose an appropriate unit for the text

D3. let’s assume that the user actually wants to download the files in a specific folder instead of the current directory (i.e. a folder where she stores all her DEMs). Let’s give this opportunity to her by adding two options to the script:

  • --output-dir /path/to/a/dir should write the file (and check for its existence) in the directory given as argument

  • if the target directory does not exist, print a message to the screen indicating that you can’t continue and exit the script

D4. (optional: see the warning about windows below) if the user asks for a plot, write a plot to disk (alongside the DEM file) with the file name srtm_39_04.png (if the tile 39, 4 was asked for). The user may ask for a plot by adding a --plot to the list of arguments. I.e. %run 9 44 18 47 --plot would write 6 plots in the user-chosen default directory.

Here is a template for your plotting function:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rioxarray as rioxr

# This is some real magic: we open the file from within the zip
f = 'zip://!srtm_39_04.tif'

# Read the data and plot
with rioxr.open_rasterio(f) as da:
    da.sel(band=1).plot.imshow(cmap='terrain', vmin=0)
    plt.ylabel('Lat (°)'); plt.xlabel('Lon (°)'); plt.title('srtm_39_04'); 

No need to add more features to the plot than that: we haven’t talked about these libraries yet! Just make sure that the filename is set to the correct value.


You’ll need the matplotlib, xarray and rioxarray libraries installed for this to work. Remember how to install libraries?