Since last week you have learned two important new concepts: unit testing and exceptions handling. In today's assignment we will revisit last week's code in order to properly test it and make it more robust.
In exercise #03-02 we will learn the basics of numpy and matplotlib in order to display live meteorological data.
Note: for these exercises you are allowed to use the numpy and matplotlib libraries only! No external module is allowed (with the exception of the standard library of course).
file per module). The test suite must contain unit tests for each function you programmed (I myself wrote 4 functions for exercise #02-01 and 3 for exercise #02-02).numpy and matplotlib are two fundamental pillars of the scientific python stack. You will find numerous tutorials for both libraries online. I am asking you to learn the basics of both tools by yourself, at the pace that suits you. Personally I recommend to follow these two tutorials from the Scipy Lecture Notes for a start:
The institute website provides live visualization of meteorological data: . The raw data used for the plots are available in a live feed at the following addresses:
The data for the other stations are available, per analogy:
The data is shared by ACINN under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The data is provided in the json format, often used for web applications. Fortunately, this is very easy to read in python:
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import json
url = ''
# Parse the given url
req = urlopen(Request(url)).read()
# Read the data
data = json.loads(req.decode('utf-8'))
Now I will help you to parse the timestamp of the data:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
data['time'] = [datetime(1970, 1, 1) + timedelta(milliseconds=ds) for ds in data['datumsec']]
And make a first plot to get you started:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(data['time'], data['tl']);
Your main task is to write a script that accepts three arguments: station name, variable name, and a number of days (3 or 7, defaults to 3). The variable name might be of: ['temperature', 'dewpoint_temperature', 'relative_humidity', 'windspeed', 'winddirection', 'pressure', 'precipitation', 'sunshine_duration']
. The script then displays a plot of the desired variable. The plot must contain the following information: variable name, variable description, unit. If the variable is not available, the script must print a warning and exit.
Here are some hints to get you started:
and 'units'
. A possible way to organize your data would be with the help of nested dictionaries.Based on the data from exercise #03-02, write a function that prints the following information in the terminal:
At station XXX, over the last 3 days, the dominant wind direction was XX (xx% of the time). The second most dominant wind direction was XX (xx% of the time), the least dominant wind direction was XX (xx% of the time). The maximum wind speed was XX m/s, while the strongest wind speed averaged over an hour was XX m/s.
With the wind directions being of 8 classes: N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE.
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