Assignment #06: small exercises for Big Science

Exercise #06-01: indexing

Given a 2D numpy array defined as:

In [1]:
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
              [4, 5, 6]])

The following indexing operations all select the same values out of the array:

  • x[:, 1]
  • x[slice(0, 2, 1), 1]
  • x[(slice(0, 2, 1), 1)]
  • x[slice(0, 2, 1), slice(1, 2, 1)]
  • x[..., 1]
  • x[::1, 1]
  • x[[0, 1], 1]
  • x[:, -2]
  • x[:, 1:2]
  • x[:, [1]]

This can be checked with the following test:

In [2]:
from numpy.testing import assert_equal

ref = 7

assert_equal(ref, x[:, 1].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[..., 1].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[::1, 1].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[slice(0, 2, 1), 1].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[(slice(0, 2, 1), 1)].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[slice(0, 2, 1), slice(1, 2, 1)].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[[0, 1], 1].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[:, -2].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[:, 1:2].sum())
assert_equal(ref, x[:, [1]].sum())


  • What is the ... syntax doing? Again, it is the literal equivalent of an actual python object: what is it?
  • some of these indexing operations are truly equivalent to the "obvious" one, x[:, 1]. List them.
  • Classify these operations (i) in basic and advanced operations, and (ii) by the shape of their output. Explain.
  • I'd like my array a = x[:, 1:2] to have a shape of (2, ) like most of the other operations listed above. What can I do to reshape it?

Exercise #06-02: the difference

Consider the following example:

In [3]:
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = a
c = a

b = a - 10
c -= 100

What will be the values printed by print(a, b, c) after this code snippet? Explain.

Exercise #06-03: Greenwich

ERA-Interim reanalysis provides global atmospheric fields from 1979 to today. Someone prepared a grid of average temperature available here:

In [4]:
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from io import BytesIO
import json

# Parse the given url
url = ''
req = urlopen(Request(url)).read()
with np.load(BytesIO(req)) as data:
    temp = data['temp']
    lon = data['lon']
    lat = data['lat']

However, the data is not well processed! The longitudes are ranging from 0 to 360°, thus cutting UK and Africa in half! Reorganize the data and the corresponding coordinate to obtain a plot similar to this one:

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