Fabien Maussion bio photo

Software & Data

I like writing code and getting involved in open-source software development. Here is a list of the projects I actively contribute to:

OGGM is an open source glacier model written in python. Among other things, OGGM participates to the consensus estimate for the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers on Earth and the Glacier Model Intercomparison Project.

OGGM-Edu is an educational platform to learn and teach about glaciers. It is a project inspired by OGGM but separate from it.

The Randolph Glacier Inventory is a global collection of glacier outlines. I am the co-chair of a working group of the same name, and we developed tools and datasets for the RGI.

Xarray is a Python library to handle labeled, multi-dimensional datasets widely used in the geosciences. Xarray is a fiscally sponsored project of NumFOCUS.

High Asia Refined analysis (HAR)

The High Asia Refined analysis (HAR) is an atmospheric dataset I generated during my PhD thesis: the data is openly available. The dataset now has a little sister, HARv2


Salem is a small Python library to do geoscientific data processing and plotting. It extends xarray to add geolocalised subsetting, masking, and plotting operations to xarray’s DataArray and DataSet structures.


DownGlacier is an empirical statistical downscaling (ESD) tool developed to retrieve glacier Surface Energy and Mass Balance (SEB/SMB) fluxes from large-scale atmospheric data. It can extend measured (or modelled) SEB/SMB timeseries to longer time periods in a semi-automated manner.


motionless is a Python library that takes the pain out of generating Google Static Map URLs.

Other projects

See my GitHub profile for other projects I contribute to.

In times not so far away I used to develop a bunch of tools with IDL, which are available on request. My very first experience with open-source was for my master thesis, during which I had the chance to participate to the development of Orekit, an orbital dynamics library written in Java.