Publications and outreach
Peer-reviewed publications
Google Scholar
Web of Science
October 2021: My habilitation thesis (wikipedia) was recently accepted. You can find an online copy here.
Press (selection)
- Radio interview for the Swiss scientific podcast CQFD (in French; mp3 download)
- La Croix: Combien reste-il de glace dans les glaciers du monde? (in French)
- Breitbart (?!?): Glaciers are going to keep melting for decades, research predicts
- Carbon Brief: Global warming to date could ‘obliterate’ a third of glacier ice
- Glacier mass loss passes the point of no return, researchers report
- Süddeutsche Zeitung: Weniger Schmelzwasser aus den Bergen (in German)
- EOS: Glacial Census Reveals Ice Thicknesses Around the World
- TT: Weltweite Gletschermasse laut Studie bislang deutlich überschätzt (in German)
- Weltweit weniger Gletschereis als gedacht (in German)
- Gletschereis lässt Meeresspiegel ansteigen (in German)
- Tiroler Tageszeitung: Große Studie - Gletscher verlieren pro Jahr 335 Mrd. Tonnen Eis (in German)
- Tiroler Tageszeitung: Einhaltung der Klimaziele bremst Anstieg des Meeresspiegels (in German)
- 1,5-Grad-Ziel halbiert Meeresspiegelanstieg (in German)
- Der Standard: Gefährliche Dammbrüche im Hochgebirge nehmen zu, also on ORF
- UIBK: Negativrekord: Gletscherbilanz rutscht immer früher ins Minus (in German)
- ORF Science: Modell zeigt Abschied der Eisriesen and the associated podcast (in German)
- SRF Radio from COP27 (Switzerland): Der Meeresspiegel steigt – das sind die Szenarien (radio interview)
Outreach and education
OGGM-Edu, an interactive platform to learn and teach about glaciers
Outreach videos
A 2 minutes video for the German TV broadcast Puls4, for a series called “climate heros” (that’s a bit too much ;-).
Who is Fabien? A short presentation video made by the University of Innsbruck’s press office.
Online presentations (selection)
Presentation given at COP27 in Sharm-El-Sheik for the Cryosphere Pavillion (ICCI).
The public lecture of my habilitation (online copy here).
For the IARPC Glaciers and Sea Level Collaboration Team Meeting on the topic of Modelling ALL the glaciers: Global glacier modeling. Slides available here.
For the Austrian Society for Snow and Avalanches (short: ÖGSL) on the topic of Open source and Open science. Slides available here.
For the ACINN graduate seminar on the topic of OGGM-Edu: an interactive platform to learn and teach about glaciers. Slides available here