Fabien Maussion bio photo


PhD students

Lilian Schuster (ACINN)
Working on the uncertainty of large scale surface mass-balance models (project website)
Patrick Schmitt (ACINN)
Working on the global glacier response under climate targets overshoot scenarios (EU project PROVIDE)
Lorenz Hänchen (Institute of Ecology, co-supervised)
Working on the spatio-temporal variability in water availability and demand in the Peruvian Andes (project website)
Niklas Richter (ACINN, co-supervised)
Studying atmospheric drivers of glacier change in High Mountain Asia


Dr. Tian Li (Bristol, Leverhulme Fellow)
Working of large scale calving estimation with machine learning

Past post-docs

Dr. Marin Kneib (ACINN & Uni Grenoble)
Worked on the SNF Mobility Grant “Contribution of Avalanches to glacIeR mass balaNce (CAIRN)”. Now at ETH Zürich.
Dr. Emily Potter (ACINN)
Worked on the AgroClim Huaraz project. Now at Sheffield University.
Dr. Anouk Vlug (ACINN & Uni Bremen)
Worked on the DFG Project “A future ready Open Global Glacier Model” (project website)

Completed PhDs

Julia Eis (2020, Uni Bremen, co-supervised)
Reconstructing glacier evolution using a flowline model ( Link)
Beatriz Recinos (2020, Uni Bremen, co-supervised)
Ocean-glacier interaction on the large regional scale ( Link)
Anouk Vlug (2021, Uni Bremen, co-supervised)
The influence of climate variability on the mass balance of Canadian Arctic land-terminating glaciers, in simulations of the last millennium ( Link)

Past visiting students

Li Fei 李斐 (Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, China, exchange PhD student)
Working on ice volume estimates in High Mountain Asia
Rodrigo Aguayo (University of Concepción, Chile, exchange PhD student)
Working on glacier peak water in Patagonia

Student advisees

Click here for the list of past advisees.

Group photo of the 2021 and 2022 OGGM Workshops