PhD students
- Lilian Schuster (ACINN)
- Working on the uncertainty of large scale surface mass-balance models (project website)
- Patrick Schmitt (ACINN)
- Working on the global glacier response under climate targets overshoot scenarios (EU project PROVIDE)
- Lorenz Hänchen (Institute of Ecology, co-supervised)
- Working on the spatio-temporal variability in water availability and demand in the Peruvian Andes (project website)
- Niklas Richter (ACINN, co-supervised)
- Studying atmospheric drivers of glacier change in High Mountain Asia
- Dr. Tian Li (Bristol, Leverhulme Fellow)
- Working of large scale calving estimation with machine learning
Past post-docs
- Dr. Marin Kneib (ACINN & Uni Grenoble)
- Worked on the SNF Mobility Grant “Contribution of Avalanches to glacIeR mass balaNce (CAIRN)”. Now at ETH Zürich.
- Dr. Emily Potter (ACINN)
- Worked on the AgroClim Huaraz project. Now at Sheffield University.
- Dr. Anouk Vlug (ACINN & Uni Bremen)
- Worked on the DFG Project “A future ready Open Global Glacier Model” (project website)
Completed PhDs
- Julia Eis (2020, Uni Bremen, co-supervised)
- Reconstructing glacier evolution using a flowline model ( Link)
- Beatriz Recinos (2020, Uni Bremen, co-supervised)
- Ocean-glacier interaction on the large regional scale ( Link)
- Anouk Vlug (2021, Uni Bremen, co-supervised)
- The influence of climate variability on the mass balance of Canadian Arctic land-terminating glaciers, in simulations of the last millennium ( Link)
Past visiting students
- Li Fei 李斐 (Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, China, exchange PhD student)
- Working on ice volume estimates in High Mountain Asia
- Rodrigo Aguayo (University of Concepción, Chile, exchange PhD student)
- Working on glacier peak water in Patagonia
Student advisees
Click here for the list of past advisees.