Fabien Maussion bio photo

You may have encountered the “Warming Stripes” from Ed Hawkins, a beautiful and brilliantly simple visualization of global warming.

I like the purity of the charts, which comes from the absence of labels or scales. However, this leaves the reader with unanswered questions, such as “what is the range of the warming?” or “when did the
warming become so obvious?”

Therefore, I decided to reproduce the visualizations using Bokeh and HoloViews. These interactive plots allow to glide your mouse over the chart and read the values associated with each color:

Data: NASA GISTEMP. Code: on GitHub. Larger plot: here.

With the interactivity, more complex plots become possible. Here for example with monthly anomalies instead of annual values:

Data: NASA GISTEMP. Code: on GitHub. Larger plot: here.

Feel free to embed these plots wherever you want!