Reading space-separated files#

In one of the radiation lecture, you are asked to read files in .txt format in which the header contains metadata, followed by the data in columns, separated by spaces. The file looks like this.

Let’s read it with pandas.

Read the metadata#

This has to be done in pure python, line by line:

df_meta = {}
with open('SCIA_GSFC_NO2.txt') as file:
    for i, line in enumerate(file):
        line = line.rstrip()
        if line.startswith('Column'):
            k, v = line.split(':')
            df_meta[k.strip()] = v.strip()
        # Stop after 30 lines
        if i > 30:
SCIAMACHY retrievals of total NO2 vertical column amounts
Pixel footprint overlaps Pandora location GSFC, Lat 38.9926, Long -76.8396
Climatological footprint correction is based on 0.05 grid resolution and the effective Pandora location.
Column 1: UT date and time for center of measurement, yyyymmddThhmmssZ (ISO 8601)
Column 2: Solar zenith angle at the center-time of the measurement in degree
Column 3: Footprint pixel center latitude
Column 4: Footprint pixel center longitude
Column 5: Footprint pixel latitude corner 1
Column 6: Footprint pixel latitude corner 2
Column 7: Footprint pixel latitude corner 3
Column 8: Footprint pixel latitude corner 4
Column 9: Footprint pixel longitude corner 1
Column 10: Footprint pixel longitude corner 2
Column 11: Footprint pixel longitude corner 3
Column 12: Footprint pixel longitude corner 4
Column 13: NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]
Column 14: Uncertainty of NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]
Column 15: Climatological footprint correction of NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]
Column 16: Uncertainty climatological footprint correction of NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]
Column 17: Cloud fraction
Column 18: Footprint pixel area [deg^2]
Column 19: Effective Pandora location latitudinal correction [deg]
Column 20: Effective Pandora location longitudinal correction [deg]
20090505T154440Z 28.4650 39.0214 -76.7878 39.0695 38.8444 39.1940 38.9728 -76.4204 -76.5029 -77.0681 -77.1471 1.5182e-01 8.2979e-03 5.4211e-04 7.7206e-04 0.9796 0.1544 -1.7804e-03 3.3307e-03
20090509T151909Z 31.2893 39.0146 -77.0317 39.0811 38.8425 39.1922 38.9447 -76.6278 -76.6920 -77.3865 -77.4505 1.4768e-01 7.5719e-03 3.3673e-03 7.7109e-04 0.1864 0.1912 -1.6040e-03 4.4252e-03
20090509T151910Z 31.2880 38.9243 -76.6652 39.3051 39.0468 38.7999 38.5739 -78.1856 -78.2494 -75.2876 -75.3527 1.3956e-01 7.2270e-03 1.2312e-02 7.6775e-04 0.1858 0.7330 -1.6040e-03 4.4248e-03
20090518T153611Z 27.0193 38.9538 -76.6282 39.0085 38.7916 39.1146 38.8982 -76.2898 -76.3627 -76.8938 -76.9647 2.3173e-01 1.1801e-02 8.9077e-04 7.7275e-04 0.0000 0.1383 -1.4539e-03 3.5464e-03
20090524T154731Z 24.4820 39.0604 -76.7830 39.1051 38.8745 39.2404 39.0153 -76.3954 -76.4825 -77.0766 -77.1595 1.2280e-01 7.5891e-03 8.6057e-04 7.7163e-04 0.2446 0.1665 -1.3754e-03 3.0335e-03
20090525T151619Z 29.2774 39.0623 -77.1074 39.1328 38.8852 39.2461 38.9878 -76.6839 -76.7478 -77.4854 -77.5491 1.4499e-01 7.7248e-03 5.2112e-03 7.7081e-04 0.2241 0.2096 -1.2583e-03 4.3692e-03
20090525T151619Z 29.2767 38.8651 -75.9646 39.2461 38.9878 38.7406 38.5146 -77.4854 -77.5491 -74.5870 -74.6520 1.3296e-01 7.9510e-03 1.1861e-02 7.6768e-04 0.2433 0.7332 -1.2583e-03 4.3690e-03
{'Column 1': 'UT date and time for center of measurement, yyyymmddThhmmssZ (ISO 8601)',
 'Column 2': 'Solar zenith angle at the center-time of the measurement in degree',
 'Column 3': 'Footprint pixel center latitude',
 'Column 4': 'Footprint pixel center longitude',
 'Column 5': 'Footprint pixel latitude corner 1',
 'Column 6': 'Footprint pixel latitude corner 2',
 'Column 7': 'Footprint pixel latitude corner 3',
 'Column 8': 'Footprint pixel latitude corner 4',
 'Column 9': 'Footprint pixel longitude corner 1',
 'Column 10': 'Footprint pixel longitude corner 2',
 'Column 11': 'Footprint pixel longitude corner 3',
 'Column 12': 'Footprint pixel longitude corner 4',
 'Column 13': 'NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]',
 'Column 14': 'Uncertainty of NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]',
 'Column 15': 'Climatological footprint correction of NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]',
 'Column 16': 'Uncertainty climatological footprint correction of NO2 vertical column amount [Dobson Units]',
 'Column 17': 'Cloud fraction',
 'Column 18': 'Footprint pixel area [deg^2]',
 'Column 19': 'Effective Pandora location latitudinal correction [deg]',
 'Column 20': 'Effective Pandora location longitudinal correction [deg]'}

I think that at this point it would be best to rename the columns to better variable names. Also, the exact line at which the data starts could also be inferred programmatically. This exercise is left to the reader.

Read the data#

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('SCIA_GSFC_NO2.txt',
                 header=None,  # There is no proper header in the file
                 sep=' ',  # The separator is spaces
                 skiprows=25,  # The first rows are not organized (25 could be fetched automatically)
                 index_col=0,  # The first column is the time index
                 parse_dates=True,  # Parse the time automatically
# Give "nicer" names to columns = 'Time (UTC)'
df.columns = list(df_meta.keys())[1:]
Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Column 10 Column 11 Column 12 Column 13 Column 14 Column 15 Column 16 Column 17 Column 18 Column 19 Column 20
Time (UTC)
2009-05-05 15:44:40+00:00 28.4650 39.0214 -76.7878 39.0695 38.8444 39.1940 38.9728 -76.4204 -76.5029 -77.0681 -77.1471 0.15182 0.008298 0.000542 0.000772 0.9796 0.1544 -0.001780 0.003331
2009-05-09 15:19:09+00:00 31.2893 39.0146 -77.0317 39.0811 38.8425 39.1922 38.9447 -76.6278 -76.6920 -77.3865 -77.4505 0.14768 0.007572 0.003367 0.000771 0.1864 0.1912 -0.001604 0.004425
2009-05-09 15:19:10+00:00 31.2880 38.9243 -76.6652 39.3051 39.0468 38.7999 38.5739 -78.1856 -78.2494 -75.2876 -75.3527 0.13956 0.007227 0.012312 0.000768 0.1858 0.7330 -0.001604 0.004425
2009-05-18 15:36:11+00:00 27.0193 38.9538 -76.6282 39.0085 38.7916 39.1146 38.8982 -76.2898 -76.3627 -76.8938 -76.9647 0.23173 0.011801 0.000891 0.000773 0.0000 0.1383 -0.001454 0.003546
2009-05-24 15:47:31+00:00 24.4820 39.0604 -76.7830 39.1051 38.8745 39.2404 39.0153 -76.3954 -76.4825 -77.0766 -77.1595 0.12280 0.007589 0.000861 0.000772 0.2446 0.1665 -0.001375 0.003034
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2012-03-18 15:36:11+00:00 45.6646 38.8337 -76.5165 39.1740 38.9530 38.7062 38.4945 -77.7083 -77.7721 -75.3132 -75.3815 0.10088 0.009215 0.010842 0.000768 0.5504 0.5484 -0.003730 0.005392
2012-03-23 15:52:37+00:00 41.9500 39.3591 -78.0177 39.7136 39.5019 39.1953 38.9750 -79.1681 -79.2379 -76.7408 -76.8210 0.15875 0.010232 NaN NaN 0.0000 0.5623 -0.003456 0.004192
2012-03-23 15:52:39+00:00 41.9475 39.0725 -77.1190 39.1203 38.9000 39.2407 39.0243 -76.7593 -76.8395 -77.3939 -77.4707 0.21058 0.010698 0.004900 0.000773 0.0000 0.1478 -0.003456 0.004190
2012-04-06 15:39:29+00:00 38.0911 39.0904 -76.9473 39.1477 38.9354 39.2458 39.0318 -76.6175 -76.6847 -77.2129 -77.2788 0.18388 0.010499 0.002880 0.000773 0.0000 0.1333 -0.002774 0.004349
2012-04-06 15:39:31+00:00 38.0871 39.0305 -77.2920 39.3710 39.1500 38.9027 38.6910 -78.4871 -78.5511 -76.0853 -76.1538 0.15921 0.011494 0.012565 0.000768 0.0000 0.5500 -0.002774 0.004348

271 rows × 19 columns

df['Column 2'].plot();