Learning tips#

To learn to program, you need to work regularly and systematically. There are no shortcuts of the kind “Learn how to program in a weekend!”. Believe me on this one: you need to take your time, be patient, and… work regularly. Yes, I’ve said “work regularly” three times.


The materials will be made available each week on this website. If you want to plan ahead, you can have a look at the syllabus to see the rough plan of the semester.

As we use the flipped classroom principle, you will need to work on background concepts before the classes. The material is available as lecture video, slides and chapters. The chapters are most comprehensive and thus recommended as the main learning source. You may combine watching, reading and listening sessions in the order which is most suitable for you. To make most of your time, you may watch the videos while commuting, walking or during other not engaging activities.

It is important is that you understand the content of the lectures, but there is no need to learn all the python commands by heart. However, I will insist on getting some of the reserved variables and operator names as well as some fundamental concepts known by heart - when this is the case, I will make it clear in the “What to remember?” part of my lecture notes.

Asking questions#

Asking questions is an important part of your learning process. Solving problems by yourself is extremely valuable, but before you give up or get frustrated, just ask for support. Asking questions is also important for us (instructors), so we can spend more time explaining the problematic concepts and make the most of the in-class time.

You can ask questions:

  • to your friends and colleagues (highly recommended!)

  • in a search machine (one of the most important skills in programming!)

  • using AI (this in new! And should be used with caution: Learning with artificial intelligence)

  • to me during class (and per email if necessary)

  • in the matrix/element chat (link on OLAT)